Issue no 10: Flotsam

That which should not exist but does through the extraordinary.
Pieces, remnants
Prodigious circumstances
Outside of but still indicating once ordinary
Pointing towards bits and Indicators
Rent asunder by forces greater than the whole
Forces outside the whole
Unmoored and cast out
Powerful bending away, adrift
in defiance
Absorbing and Emerging
A rhythm of ideas and those that sink
Fragments of the whole
Lost negatives, unidentifiable
Taken from wreckage
An assemblage that was not on paper
Still identifiable
Identifiable even in chaos
Of an Event, A History
object change
Revelatory even in destruction
Transforming even in decomposition
Those concealed pieces
That reveal the core
Sliced through
ragged Grotesque
That which will be washed ashore of our collective consciousness or bound to the deep
still unburied
tied to tide
Bound to flow
to warp to swell
That which will be picked up
scraped up
sought treasured and hauled away.
When the vessel is spent.

Call for Submissions

POOL - Issue 10 accepts submissions of any form of communicative media and encourages both content endemic to academic publishing such as essays and drawings, and unconventional media such as comics, experimental films and syllabi.* Accepted content will be considered for the 2025 print issue or published digitally on a rolling basis. Submissions for print are due by February 14, 2025. All materials should be submitted digitally to

*All body text should be 2500 words or less and submitted in the form of editable Word documents. Please include a cover image or summary text (50 words maximum) along with the submission. All text, including footnotes, should be edited according to the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition. All images must be submitted as high-res .png or .jpeg, in RGB. The maximum acceptable file size is 20MB, and max pixel width for display on POOL's website is 1500. Contributors are responsible for procuring the rights to any images they want to use. Video and audio can be submitted through an external site such as Soundcloud or Vimeo. Links to other related documents can be included. Previously unpublished work is preferred.